Monday, May 30, 2016

The Political Donor Class

You're on your way to waking up to American politics. You had to lose your house, your car; your health is failing because you can't afford prescription medication; your kids graduated from college and moved back into your one bedroom apartment because they can't find work in the field in which they studied and they can't afford to pay off the school loans. The bridge outside of town collapsed but you can't drive anyway because the roads are so bad they damaged your car; you have to borrow more on your car title loan just so you don't lose your car after paying for repairs the last time.

Starting to wonder what's going on? It's all tied to politics. Didn't you vote? Where's your Reaganomics trickle-down?

Over the last 30 or 40 years, the only crop of public servants for whom we could vote were mostly supported by rich donors, Here's a quick way to discover who exactly is in the rich donor class.

Just go to and look at latest Insider Trading list. You can also go to and do a search for business boards of directors and owners. You can find out who owns television and radio stations by going to

Everybody else got buried in the Press. They were there, we were just never learned about them because they didn't get enough money to pay for publicity, until now. Bernie Sanders is turning the old model of politics on its head because he has the power of the Internet behind him.

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